
Runescape 3 bot farmed items
Runescape 3 bot farmed items


The fact that the bots both directly read the game's state, rather than looking at the screen (colour bot) make it very easy for them to complete random events - for example, instead of trying to identify the correct spinning object visually with shapes and colours, the bot simply sees a few sets of numbers, called IDs - unique numbers used by the game to identify every individual entity in the RuneScape world - and picks the one ID that matches the correct answer. This allows the game to be slightly modified, making it listen to fake mouse - or key events (allowing you to play other games while using the bot) and to disable direct system access (say: faking runtime information) to mislead Jagex's servers. A custom-engineered game client is used to run the bot, rather than through a web browser with Jagex's official client (as is done with most colour-based bots).

runescape 3 bot farmed items

Most bots, such as RSBuddy (now EOL) or RSBot, used both injection and reflection to be able to gather as much data as possible.


Reflection bots directly examine the contents of the game state without injecting any code - considered to be much harder to detect than injection but - if done right - both are completely undetectable. This allows them to read the game's state, get notified of changes to the state, and modify the client's behavior. Injection bots inject custom code into the RuneScape applet, modifying the client's code during load time. Injection and reflection bots work in similar ways, however they use different methods to accomplish this. This is two points below the maximum cap of 50. This will give them a maximum potential of 48 points in 2 days (16 on Wednesday and 32 on Thursday due to double points). Players can spy on all penguins on the day they reset (Wednesday), and then again on Thursday, which will give them double points. * Indicates that the D&D will be reset on the day if already done for the week.

  • Familiarisation: receive both charm and ingredients reward*.
  • Shooting Star: triple experience and increased reward.
  • Thursday: Bonus experience from certain Distractions and Diversions.
  • runescape 3 bot farmed items

    Wednesday: Triple tickets from Castle Wars.(This effect did not stack with Dragon Slayer Gloves.) Along with that, specific monsters, such as Fire giants and Steel dragons, respawned at a much faster rate (as if the world was full) Tuesday: Triple experience for training Slayer.To celebrate, Jagex had created the following events:


    Due to the complex nature of the game update, the update was finished 2 hours and 37 minutes after the countdown timer reached 0, resulting in the game being offline for approximately 1 hour and 7 minutes while Jagex updated and tested their systems. Also, upon revealing ClusterFlutterer, Jagex stated that over 1.5 million bots had been recently banned. Jagex believes that this consists of 98% of all bots seen in the game. On 25 October 2011 at 2:37 PM GMT, an update code-named ClusterFlutterer, also known as " Bot Nuking Day", or simply " Nuke Day" was implemented aimed at preventing reflection and injection bots from functioning.

    Runescape 3 bot farmed items